Minnesota House forms new committee to address racial inequality

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Tuesday, Minnesota lawmakers are forming a new committee to address racial inequality in the state.

Lawmakers say although the Minnesota House Select Committee on Racial Justice is new, it’s long overdue.

The first public meeting Tuesday will focus on one question: What is racism?

Conversations About Racism and the Road to Equality: Understanding racism

In July, lawmakers passed a House resolution declaring racism as a public health crisis. The resolution came at a time when protests broke out across Minnesota and the country, with people calling for justice.

On Monday, Rep. Rena Moran (DFL-St. Paul) talked about the new committee and what to expect.

She said, as a woman of color, she has experienced the challenges Black Minnesotans have faced.

The House noted more than 100 studies have linked racism to worse health outcomes, with Black and indigenous communities experiencing the highest death rates.

"We will finally have a forum where we can deep dive into the impacts Blacks and people of color still face in our state, which we know affects our health, safety and overall wellbeing," Moran said.

House Speaker Melissa Hortman said she looks forward to hearing recommendations from this new committee.

The meeting is set for 1:30 p.m.