New executive orders address classroom occupancy, cooperatives’ in-person meetings

Wednesday, Gov. Tim Walz signed two new executive orders; one that formalizes guidance regarding classroom occupancy and another that allows cooperatives to waive in-person meetings during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Executive Order 20-85 formalizes previous Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) guidance that grants flexibility to higher education institutions in terms of holding in-person classes or activities.

The order requires higher education institutions "to create and implement a plan to conduct classes and activities in a manner that adheres to Minnesota Occupational Safety and Health Standards and MDH and CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) guidelines related to COVID-19," according to a release from Walz’s office.

Meanwhile, Executive Order 20-86 states cooperatives and cooperative associations have the flexibility to be able to waive in-person meeting requirements.

As part of that order, those organizations can also vote remotely for director elections and forgo annual, regular member meetings if a virtual meeting is not possible, the release from Walz’s office states. The order is in keeping with previously-released guidance advising Minnesotans to avoid large gatherings.

Both executive orders were approved by the Executive Council Wednesday.

Find all executive orders signed by Walz here.