Families staying cool while trying to stay COVID-19 free

During this July heatwave, the City of Lakes has many beaches and now wading pools open. While these are great options for families to cool off and spend time together, Minneapolis is asking they do it safely to curb community spread of COVID-19.

Starting July 4, the city opened 18 wading pools. Its beaches had been open, but there are restrictions and COVID-19 safety guidelines city officials are asking everyone to follow.

Sunday, Lake Nokomis’s main beach was packed. Most were keeping a safe distance; few had masks.

One family that was wearing masks were the Glidemeisters. Stefan Gildemeister said he had hoped to see more with a mask on. He added his family felt safe for the most part but had plans to leave if the beach and water got too crowded.

"It’s hard for the little one," Gildemeister said while holding his young daughter. "We keep our distance, avoid crowds the best we can. We didn’t know if this was going to work today, but it’s pretty OK."

Along with beaches and wading pools opening, the city will also start offering swimming lessons.

Here is a full list of summer activities — including some that are virtual — Minneapolis is offering.