After looting and fires across the metro, many residents have nowhere to shop for groceries, other essentials

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The buildings might be gone, but the sense of community and generosity are not as easily destroyed.

At the University of Minnesota Community Health Care Center off Bloomington Avenue South in Minneapolis they offered assistance to provide everything from food to diapers to fill the void that looting and fires have left in these neighborhoods.

"They are needing over-the-counter meds, toothbrushes, laundry, soap, anything you would get at the grocery store," said organizer Colleen McDonald.

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A few miles away at the Blaisedale YMCA near the 5th Precinct, they had already been giving away food daily due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, recent events intensified the need. They typically give about 40 lunches away a day. Over the weekend, they gave away about 300.

Melinda Walters says she depends on the assistance.

"Everything is closed from the stores to the gas stations," she said. "I have to drive to Richfield or Bloomington to get gas.

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