Peaceful protests held throughout Minneapolis Monday night

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Monday night, demonstrators continued to gather in south Minneapolis for protest and memorial following the death of George Floyd.

The powerful displays of grief continued during a peaceful vigil outside of Cup Foods in south Minneapolis, where Floyd died in police custody.

Some parents brought their little ones, knowing the memorial would be a safe space and the occasion a teachable moment.

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One of those moments was for Katie Cooney and her six-year-old daughter. 

"One of the first questions she asked was what was the color of his skin, was he a black male and is the officer white," Cooney said. "Without me giving her any facts about color of skin, she, at the age of six, could figure out the dynamics of who was killed." 

The Cooney's laid a bouquet of flowers among the thousands of others at Floyd's memorial.

According to a KSTP reporter at the scene, some protesters remained after the 10 p.m. curfew for the city went into effect.

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