South Minneapolis business owners plan their next move after fires and looting

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Dozens of businesses were destroyed during riots in Minneapolis and St. Paul over the past week, especially in south Minneapolis.

Now, the people that own those businesses are wondering what to do next.

Some may not reopen, but others, like G Merga, plan to rebuild.

Merga came to America 15 years ago to escape war in Ethiopia.

"We ran away from a situation like this back home," Merga said.

He hopes his south Minneapolis neighborhood will come back stronger but has his doubts.

"I don’t know when we’re going to come back," Merga said. "I am afraid if we can be the same as before."

Some things are getting back to normal in south Minneapolis.

After three days of no service, everyone is now getting mail delivery but the Minnehaha and Lake Street Post Offices were destroyed.

A GoFundMe has also been created to help Merga rebuild his business.