Local artist making others view the 35W bridge truck incident as something more positive

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A local artist wants others to see the terrifying moment when the trunk drove toward protesters on Interstate 35W differently.

As people are processing the complex emotions from the death of George Floyd and the intense moments on the bridge, the clothing and sneakers designer of Antz Creationz needed an outlet.

Antione Jenkins was on the I-35W bridge with protestors as the truck came barreling through.

"It was like our life flashing before our eyes. It’s traumatizing," said Jenkins.

As people ran in fear, Antione prayed.

"I just closed my eyes and just had to just pray like ‘please be okay, please be okay,’" said Jenkins.

Boards were used to protect an Uptown coffee shop from destruction but were then turned into a canvas for Jenkins.

Jenkins and his friend, Josh, wanted to use their talents to change perspective about what had happened on the bridge.

According to Jenkins, it’s a miracle that no one was hurt during the day the truck drove toward the protest. Jenkins views the safety of everyone coming from a guardian angel, that angel being George Floyd.

"All the light is representing him being an angel with the clouds here lifting him up," said Jenkins.

Lucy Fortson, who watched the mural evolved, said that the mural’s message had not left her.

"I saw the angel wings and I thought, ‘Oh, that’s really cool, yeah, of course, angel wings around George Floyd,’ he has risen, hope, etc. and then I saw the truck and was like ‘Oh, how powerful that is,’" said Fortson.

People who were there that day have come by to sign the mural marking their place in history. A moment in Minneapolis that many hope will change the world.

"Understanding each other and growing from this and I just hope everyone is on board with that, cause we really need to," said Jenkins.

Jenkins has been approached by some university and museum representatives to provide a place to preserve his mural.