Retired Minnesota cops bike to help fallen first responders' families

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A husband-and-wife duo of retired police officers are pedaling for a purpose.

At the end of their journey, Lora and Michael Strauss will have biked 450 miles. The Strauss family isn’t doing it for the exercise — they’re doing it so we never forget the lives that were lost in the line of duty.

They’re also raising money to help the families who have lost a loved one in the line of duty. So far, they’re at more than $12,000.

“It’s rewarding, it’s humbling, there’s a lot of humility that comes with it,” Lora Strauss said. “We’ve witnessed classmates, coworkers that have been killed in the line of duty. It just speaks to our heart, and it’s something we’re very passionate about.”

With their daughter by their side, the Strausses are biking 15 miles a day 15 days in a row.

“I hope it just spreads awareness,” Michael Strauss said. “To let people know there are people out there [who] are basically our heroes. They sacrifice their lives for the rest of us.”

From January 2019 to May 16, 2020, 13 Minnesotan first responders lost their lives in the line of duty or as a result of something that happened while working. To honor them, and to raise money for their families, The Front Line Foundation is partnering with the Outdoor Association for True Heroes (OATH) for its annual memorial walk.

The Strausses are biking — and you can still help their cause.

“It’s good with the soul to do something to honor those who have given the ultimate sacrifice,” Lora Strauss said.