George Floyd family’s legal team hires independent medical examiner to conduct autopsy

The legal team representing the family of George Floyd has issued a statement on Saturday stating that they will have an independent medical examiner conduct their own autopsy after the released findings from the Hennepin County Medical Center.

According to the statement, the legal team stated that the Hennepin County Medical Examinar did not address the "effect of the purposeful use of force on Mr. Floyd’s neck." As a result, they are going to engage an independent medical examiner to conduct their own autopsy.

"We are not surprised, yet we are tragically disappointed in the preliminary autopsy findings released today by the medical examiner. We hope that this does not reflect efforts to create a false narrative for the reason George Floyd died," said Civil Rights Attorney Ben Crump. "Attempts to avoid the hard truth will not stand and on behalf of the family, we are fiercely committed to bringing the truth to light."

Floyd’s family’s legal team will be hiring Forensic Pathologist Michael Baden and Dr. Allecia Wilson.

According to the legal team, Baden has a high profile case expertise background and Wilson will be determining the precise cause of death.

The independent autopsy will be conducted in Minneapolis in the next several days.