Timberwolves head coach Ryan Saunders, wife Hayley donate to assist Twin Cities community

Minnesota Timberwolves head coach Ryan Saunders and his wife, Hayley, announced they have donated and partnered with MATTER and Boys & Girls Club of the Twin Cities to support the community during the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to the team, the Saunders’ donation will provide 10,000 healthy MATTERbox snack packs to be distributed through the Mount Airy and Jerry Gamble Boys & Girls Club locations. Each snack pack consists of a whole grain cracker, unsweetened applesauce, protein WOW butter, a goal card and a handwritten "YOU MATTER" note of encouragement.

"Hayley and I wanted to extend support to our community, as we are incredibly thankful for the great work and leadership of Boys & Girls Clubs as they continue to serve youth and families during this difficult time," said Saunders. "We are grateful to assist their efforts to ensure youth and families have access to healthy food options and support by providing MATTERboxes to be distributed at the Boys & Girls Club Twin Cities locations. We’re all in this together and we hope this encourages everyone to lift each other up and support one another by practicing social distancing to keep our community as safe as possible."

Ryan and Hayley also recorded a video of encouragement for the youth and families at Boys & Girls Club of the Twin Cities.