Officer shoots, kills dog in Minneapolis amid rising number of animal aggression reports

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A Minneapolis Police officer shot and killed a dog in the city's north side Thursday after reports that it had attacked a man.

Police said the dog got loose and bit a man in the hand at about 7:30 a.m. before it charged at officers. That's when one officer fired, killing the animal.

MPD called it an "unfortunate situation" and a "reminder to be vigilant that pets are to be cared for and controlled."

The incident comes on the same day the city reminded residents it's a city ordinance that all dogs must be leashed due to an increase in reports of dogs biting people.

Minneapolis orders all dogs to be leashed after increase in dog bites

"It's really important that we keep our animals on leashes because animals that aren't on leashes really pose a danger to themselves and to the public," said Carolina Hairfield, Director of Minneapolis Animal Care and Control.

Minneapolis Animal Care and Control said animal aggression has become a big problem in the city since the 'stay at home' order went into effect, with reports up 80% over this time last year.

"That is because people are home, we're out and about more, we're letting our dogs off leashes," Hairfield said.

Animal Care and Control said it's prepared to strictly enforce the city's ordinance, which requires dogs to be on a leash unless in a fenced-in yard. A first offense results in a $200 fine and doubles for every subsequent incident.

As for the dog that was shot, police said killing a dog is never the outcome they want but they have a duty to protect the public.