Police investigating Seven Hills shooting threats, school to remain open with extra security

Police in Richfield continue to investigate who was behind two shooting threats made at Seven Hills Preparatory Academy earlier this week.

A letter sent to the parents of Seven Hills students was obtained by 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS Friday, detailing a shooting threat made towards the school earlier this week.

According to the letter, a threat was found around noon on Tuesday written on the middle school building’s fifth-floor boys’ restroom.

After the threat was discovered, school officials called Richfield police and began assisting in discovering any evidence that pointed towards a culprit.

The letter said teachers had shared their student bathroom check-in/check-out logs and had reviewed security footage showing who was coming and leaving the 5th floor of the building.

Additionally, students were asked to complete a writing sample, and some student’s lockers were searched.

Parents were notified, and extra staff presence was added to the school hallways for the rest of the day and Wednesday as multiple students were interviewed.

On Thursday, another threat was discovered on a Post-It note by a student, who turned it into the assistant principal around 10:15 a.m.

Police were called again to the school, who reviewed protocols and determined to keep the school open but on hold, a modified lockdown.

It was also decided that extra patrols would take place in the area and student interviews and handwriting sample reviews would continue.

The school remained open on Friday and operated as normal, with additional staff presence in all areas of the building.

Before students arrived, every middle school student’s locker was searched, with police providing extra patrols in the area.

“We understand this is a situation that conjures many negative thoughts and emotions for students, staff, and families and do not seek to minimize the threatening statements,” the school wrote in a statement. “There was serious discussion and a unified decision to keep school open, listen to feedback from our community, and determine next steps to keep students and staff safe. “

The school recommends parents have a conversation with their children about the situation, make sure they understand what is happening, and that if they know something, they should tell a trusted adult.