Despite 5 record-setting days in 2024, overall Minnesota State Fair attendance record stands

Despite 5 record-setting days in 2024, overall Minnesota State Fair attendance record stands

Despite 5 record-setting days in 2024, overall Minnesota State Fair attendance record stands

Minnesota State Fair goers were in plenty of company once again on Sunday, as the daily attendance record was broken — again.

The State Fair logged 256,015 people entering the gates on Sunday, smashing the previous record set in 2019 of 245,243.

This was the fifth time during this year’s event that a daily attendance record fell. Fair organizers said the Labor Day record of 184,740 set in 2019 would continue for another year, as the attendance for the final day of this year’s event stood at 175,889.

However, despite those new records, the overall attendance record set in 2019 isn’t in danger of falling – at least for this year.

That year, 2,126,551 attended the fair. More than 376,000 people would have needed to attend the fair on Monday alone to break that record. This year’s total attendance was just shy of the 2 million mark with 1,925,904 visitors.

However, that record could have fallen if more people had attended on Monday, Aug. 26 and Thursday, Aug. 29. Just over 80,000 and 81,000 attended the fair those days, respectively. Excessive heart warnings were issued for the metro that Monday and were followed by severe storms that ripped through the region Monday night and the following morning, which caused gates to open late. That Thursday also saw humid conditions and storms in the evening hours.

CLICK HERE for more information on State Fair attendance records and how this year’s crowds fared to those from the last two years.

You can find KSTP-TV’s full state fair coverage by CLICKING HERE.