Going to the state fair with kids? Parents offer tips and tricks for a smooth visit

Managing kids at the fair

Families of all ages are soaking in the second-to-last day of summer fun at the state fairgrounds.

While the big crowds and long lines can be intimidating, parents 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS spoke with say you shouldn’t let that stop you from bringing your kiddos out for the last day on Monday.

“As long as you have a good attitude and know it’s not going to go perfect, it will be fun,” Brian Kurt, a father of three from Maple Grove, laughed.

On top of that good attitude, other parents say don’t forget to bring some extra snacks, water and sunscreen.

“Keep the glucose level high and keep it there all day,” Kurt said.

“You bring your whole house when you come out with kids. Wet wipes, two diapers for each kid, a change of clothes and blankets,” Ellie Lee, a mom of four from Edina, added.

Kurt and Lee add it’s also best to come early and have a plan, but also advise to keep your expectations for that plan low.

“You might get here and you might have to leave in an hour,” Lee said. 

State Fair Police emphasize it’s important your kids know your phone number and know where you’ll meet back up if you get separated.

Ultimately, parents say if you’re nervous about making the trip, you shouldn’t be, as they say the organized chaos is well worth the smiles on your little ones’ faces at the end of the day.

“I would say just come. You have to live. You have to bring your kids out and you have to live your life,” Lee said.