38-year-old sentenced after killing man over $20 at homeless encampment

A man has been sentenced after shooting and killing another person at a homeless encampment in south Minneapolis over $20.

On Thursday, the Hennepin County Attorney’s Office sentenced 38-year-old Kenneth Joel McKinnis to 35½ years (426 months) for killing Curtis Johnson in Sept. 2023. He has credit for 308 days already served.

McKinnis was found guilty of second-degree murder in July.

As previously reported, witnesses told authorities Johnson owed McKinnis $20 and that the two had gotten into a fight since Johnson couldn’t pay McKinnis back. Witnesses also said they heard McKinnis threaten to shoot Johnson if he didn’t have the money, court records state.

Surveillance video near the intersection of 16th Avenue South and East 25th Street showed a stolen pickup truck arrive at the tent encampment where Johnson was just before the shooting. After the gunshot was heard, a man ran up to the truck, got in the back passenger-side seat and the truck took off.

The two men in the truck were later identified by authorities, with the other unnamed occupant confirming that he had given McKinnis a ride to the encampment, saw him enter a tent and then take a gun from the seat of the truck and put it in his waistband when he got back to his home.

“We want to thank the people who had been living in the encampment for their bravery in testifying against Mr. McKinnis,” said Hennepin County Attorney Mary Moriarty. “Unhoused people may have to overcome struggles with mental health, substance use, lack of transportation and mistrust in the system just to show up to testify. People across our entire office worked closely to provide the necessary support. It is satisfying to all of us to provide justice for Blow, his family and his community.”