Rep. Angie Craig calls on Biden to step aside from presidential race

Democrats uncertain about Biden’s future

With President Biden scheduled to campaign in Pennsylvania Sunday — a key battleground state, Representative Angie Craig is calling for him to step aside from the election.

Craig released a statement Saturday, which said in part:

“…Given what I saw and heard from the president during last week’s debate in Atlanta, coupled with the lack of a forceful response from the president himself following the debate, I do not believe that the president can effectively campaign and win against Donald Trump.”

Craig is joining a growing chorus of lawmakers calling for Biden to quit the race. 

“Elected officials like Keith Ellison in Minnesota, Governor Walz are still saying they support him,” says David Schultz, a political science professor at Hamline University. “Underneath, donors are panicking, Democrats are panicking, voters are panicking. I think he needs to take that all into consideration and make a real assessment, can he really win going forward?”
Those concerns, sparked by the president’s shaky debate performance last week.

In an exclusive interview with ABC News Anchor George Stephanopoulos, Biden blamed himself, saying he had had a ‘bad night.’

“What were you experiencing as you were going through the debate? Did you know how badly it was going?” Stephanopoulos asked.

“Yeah, but look, the whole way I was prepared, nobody’s fault but mine,” Biden responded.

But the president also pushed back against the idea of stepping aside — saying he’s the candidate who can beat Donald Trump.

“Have you convinced yourself that only you can defeat him?” Stephanopoulos inquired.

“I convinced myself of two things: I’m the most qualified person to beat him– and I know how to get things done,” the president answered.   

Sources tell ABC News that Democratic Senator Mark Warner of Virginia is assembling a group of lawmakers to meet with Biden to convince him to stand down.

ABC is also reporting a number of major donors are working to raise $100 million to support a candidate to replace Biden.

One donor, Netflix co-founder Reed Hastings, says the president is ‘unfortunately in denial about his mental state.”
Stephanopoulos also asked Biden if he’d be willing to undergo an independent full neurological and cognitive exam.

The president did not give a straight answer, but said he is ‘tested every day.’

Biden also says he has met and spoken with several leading members of the Democratic party.

“They all said I should stay in the race, stay in the race. None of the people said I should leave,” the president declared.

Stephanopoulos asked if Biden was sure.

“Well yeah, I’m sure,” Biden responded. “Look, I mean if the Lord Almighty came down and said, ‘Joe get out of the race.’ The Lord Almighty isn’t coming down.”

Craig says there’s now an opportunity to open up the nomination process and select a new Democratic candidate.

In response to her call for Biden to step aside,  the Minnesota GOP posted a statement on X, which said:

“The chorus of Democrats calling for Joe Biden to exit the race is growing, and Minnesotans can’t help but notice that the most vulnerable federal Democrat is the first in our state to join.”

The GOP asked Governor Tim Walz to do the same.

Walz reaffirmed his support of Biden earlier in the week, alongside governors from several other states.

Meanwhile — the Democratic National Convention will be held in Chicago, starting August 19th.

Election Day is just four months away.  

“I think (Biden), and his political advisors need to have a real serious discussion this weekend,” Schultz says. “Again, look at the performance, look at where the public says they are at this point, and really consider the options.”