So Minnesota: MSP International Airport floor art

So Minnesota: Works of art under your feet

They say art is in the eye of the beholder and sometimes it can be found below your feet.

Artists Andrea Myklebust and Stan Sears created several floor mosaics at the MSP International Airport that have lasted more than two decades.

“Part of the game is you try and design something that can be cared for a long time, but it does change with time,”

Sears said. “In many cases in good ways it gets a patina. It’s kind of nice.”

With granite, quartz, marble, limestone, and stainless steel the married couple built beauty on the floor. They create public art from coast to coast.

“Alaska to Florida and many points in between,” Myklebust said.

The couple who live in Vermont, enjoys traveling back to Minnesota to see their work.

“Find that very rewarding,” Sears said.

“We tried to in our work kind of memorialize or recognize that sense of a shared community place and make it beautiful and make it meaningful for the people who are going to be there,” Myklebust said.