Stillwater girls hockey honors Josie St. Martin after winning U18 gold medal

Josie St. Martin Story with Intro

It’s been go, go, go for Stillwater High School senior Josie St. Martin. Just days after winning a gold medal with the U.S. U18 women’s national team in Switzerland, she is already back on the ice with her high school team ready for a playoff run.

The third time was the charm for St. Marin on the national team. She has won silver and bronze medals, but this year as a captain, made it her goal to bring home the gold.

“You have to embrace that you get that opportunity and take it all in rather than getting super worked up about it,” St. Martin said to KSTP sports reporter Alec Ausmus. “It’s the best feeling ever, it’s really nice to have your work paid off, I mean and end up on top,” said St. Martin.

St. Martin led the U.S. in scoring at the world championship tournament. She scored six goals over six games. The U.S. went a perfect 6-0 overall on their way to a world title.

St. Martin returned from Switzerland on Sunday, and was back playing with her high school team by Tuesday.

“I asked her, do you want to be done?” asked St. Martin’s high school coach Annie Cashman. “She turned and gave me the side-eye like don’t you dare stop me from playing. I was like, alright!”

Stillwater celebrated their new champion. Thursday night they honored St. Martin at St. Croix Valley Recreation Center. The mayor of Stillwater announced that Thursday was officially Josie St. Martin Day.

“This is truly what community based hockey is about,” said Cashman. “One of our own climbed the highest mountain she can climb.”

The Stillwater girls hockey team is 14-6-0 overall, the Ponies are at Woodbury at 3 p.m. on Saturday.