Chef Week: Andrew Kraft

Chef Week: Andrew Kraft

We were joined by Chef Andrew Kraft from the Bungalow Club where he shared a few of his favorite side dishes for the holidays.

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The Bungalow Club

Brussels Sprouts Recipe:

5 pounds Brussels Sprouts, trimmed and halved or quartered (depending on size)

½ cup chili honey vinaigrette or to taste (recipe to follow)

½ cup goat cheese fonduta ( recipe to follow)

1 cup walnut pesto (recipe to follow)

Juice of 2 lemons

Salt to taste

  1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees.  Lightly toss brussels sprouts in oil and salt.  Lay single layer on sheet tray.  Roast for 15-20 min. Stirring occasionally. Until tender, but not mush
  2. Toss brussels in chili honey Vinaigrette and check seasoning.
  3. Put Brussels sprouts in serving bowl, spoon over goat cheese fonduta.
  4. Top with walnut pesto 
  5. And Enjoy

Chili Honey Vinaigrette:

16 oz honey

¾ cup red wine vinegar

¾ cup sambal or other chili paste

Salt to taste

  1. Combine all ingredients

Goat Cheese Fonduta:

8 oz fresh goat cheese

8 oz cream cheese

½ cup buttermilk

1 T Salt

2 T Lemon Juice

  1. In food processor or by hand combine all ingredients until velvety smooth

Walnut Pesto:

2 C Walnuts, untoasted

2 t Olive oil

¼ cup parmesan, ground or finely grated

1 t salt

Juice and zest of 1 lemon

  1. Light salt and oil walnuts, toast in 350 degree oven for 6-9 min. Until fragrant
  2. Pulse cooled walnuts in food processor  and stir to combine remaining ingredients