Drizzle lingers Saturday evening with clouds clearing Sunday

Here’s your Saturday evening forecast for October 14, 2023 from Minnesota’s Weather Authority and Meteorologist Matt Serwe.

Light rain showers and drizzle will continue through sunset Saturday evening. This is more of a nuisance rain with no accumulation expected. Clouds will linger through Sunday morning in the Twin Cities, then Minnesota and Wisconsin will clear out from north to south in the afternoon. That late day sun should boost highs into the mid and upper 50s across the norther two-thirds of the state. Parts of southern Minnesota will hold on to the clouds a little longer, and stay in the low to mid 50s.

Most of the upcoming week should have temperatures near or above average. Keep in mind that the average high in the Twin Cities is in the upper 50s, so this is not an early fall or summer-like warm-up. Low 60s are likely Tuesday and Wednesday ahead of the next rain chance. Scattered showers are possible Wednesday and Thursday. These will just be light rain showers with some dry time in between.