Cooler weather continues to start the work week

Here’s your Sunday evening forecast for July 16, 2023 from Minnesota’s Weather Authority and Meteorologist Matt Serwe.

Some smoke is lingering in southern Minnesota this evening, but it will clear out tonight. You can open up the windows before you go to bed, and enjoy overnight temperatures falling into the 50s across most of Minnesota and northwest Wisconsin. This cooler weather sticks around on Monday. Highs stay in the 70s tomorrow, which is several degrees below average. Winds flip to the south Monday night into Tuesday. Expect temperatures to climb into the mid and upper 80s through the middle of the week.

There is one storm system to watch over the next week, which is not going to help the drought conditions. Isolated t-showers develop Tuesday night, and continue on and off through Wednesday. A few light rain showers linger into Thursday morning. If we get lucky, some locations could pick up a quarter to half inch of rain. Most of us will get a tenth of an inch or less. Keep those sprinklers cranked up this week!