FORECAST FIRST ALERT: Chris is tracking a smoky Saturday ahead

A FORECAST FIRST ALERT is in the forecast for Saturday, July 15, 2023. Minnesota’s Weather Authority is monitoring air quality levels that are “unhealthy for everyone” in much of Minnesota, including parts of the Twin Cities Metro, and worsening at this time. An Air Quality Alert is in effect through AT LEAST 3PM this evening in the metro, and through midday Sunday for parts of southern Minnesota and western Wisconsin. Skies are already very smoky this morning with limited visibility and air quality that is growing to unhealthy levels for everyone. This means you’ll want to limit your outdoor exposure. Keep this in mind as you make any outdoor plans, especially for children and anyone with respiratory related ailments. Those with extended exposure outdoors may notice headaches, shortness of breath, wheezing and coughing. There is also an increased risk for asthma attacks, and cardiac related events.

Smoke aside, expect sunshine and temperatures into the low and middle 80s for afternoon highs. A stray shower or two will also be possible.