Schools in Osceola, Wisconsin will reopen Wednesday after closing Tuesday over COVID-19 concerns

Schools in Osceola, Wisconsin will be reopen Wednesday, after a one-day closure Tuesday over concerns of COVID-19.

According to a release from the Osceola School District, an individual from Pierce County who attended an event at the school Saturday has a confirmed case of COVID-19. That same individual also attended an event in Prescott, WI Friday night, but was only in a small, limited area of the school.

Pierce County health officials say anyone who attended the events at the school is at low risk. Attendees should self monitor for 14 days and consult a healthcare professional if symptoms develop.

The infected patient is an adult who traveled within the U.S. to an area with a known spread. The patient has mild symptoms and is quarantined at home for 14 days.

"The other risk factors we took into account were where were they sitting, and who were they sitting near," said AZ Snyder, Pierce County Health Officer.

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"According to guidance from the U.S. Center for Disease Control, spending time in the same indoor environment as persons known to have COVID-19 is considered a low risk of exposure to the virus. While the risk to others is considered low, we cannot know for sure that there is absolutely no risk," the district said in a statement.

The district said "recommend cleaning" will take place during the day Tuesday.

The district also said it will continue to work with public health officials.