Recipes to Fight the Blues

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This is the time of year when many of us tend to feel down and have a case of the winter blues. Anna Klimmek, creator of Happy Food MN, shares some recipes that can help alleviate those feelings and give you natural energy to last through the day.

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Tangerine Beef & Asparagus Stir Fry

4 Servings
30 mins prep
30 mins total


1 lbs Grassfed – Trip Tip/Top Sirloin (or Stir-fry Meat)
2 ea Minced Garlic
2 Tbsp Avocado/Coconut Oil (split)
2 ea Tangerines (1 for juice one for segments & zest)
1 bunch Asparagus
2 cups Spinach
4 ea Green Onion
¼ cup Thai Basil – As Garnish add at very end
¼ cup Mint – As Garnish add at very end


2 ea Minced Garlic
1 in Minced Fresh Ginger
¼ cup Tangerine Juice (1 Tangerine)
¼ cup Coconut Aminos
1 Tbsp Coconut/Brown Sugar
1 Tbsp Avocado/Coconut Oil – Per batch


Mise en Place – Prepare all of your ingredients first place in piles or separate bowls. This moves fast.

Tangerine – use a vegetable peeler to take the very top layer (zest) off of the orange try to avoid the pith. Put the peeled tangerine aside you will use it later.

Thinly slice whole peeled zest layer. Put aside.

Now bring your tangerine back and and juice it.

Take the second Tangerine remove all of the skin and cut out segments.

Asparagus – discarding the fibrous ends, cut the rest of the asparagus into one inch pieces.

Spinach – Make sure it is cleaned well otherwise there isn’t much to do. It will wilt into next to nothing.

Green Onion – Slice thinly

Steak – Slice Steak thinly. Season with Salt and Pepper

Sauce – Mix all Sauce ingredients together in a separate bowl

Cooking Instructions

Cook Steak First

Pour 1 Tbsp of oil in to a skillet or wok and turn up to high heat to sear the steak.
Place steak into the searing hot pan.
Spread the pieces out so that they are not touching. You want it to get a good sear on both sides.
In the last minute of cooking add the minced garlic and tangerine zest & tangerines
When steak is seared on all sides remove from heat.

Veg Next

Add 2nd Tbsp of oil to pan.
Add the rest of the ingredients as listed.
Allowing them to sear for about 30 seconds before you add the next item. Give a good stir each time.
When all of the veggies and have been wok seared remove from pan.

Sauce Last

Place sauce in hot pan and allow to cook down a bit 2-3 minutes.
Cut the heat and then add meat and veggies back into the pan and incorporate quickly.


On it’s own or with rice/cauli rice/rice noodles.


Spinach & Tangerine Juice

Serves 1 big or 2 small
Prep Time: 5 mins
Prep Time 5 mins


10 oz Filtered Water
2 cups Spinach
1 ea Peeled Tangerine
1 ea Med Apple
1 ea Fresh Lemon Juice
1 Tbsp Fresh Ginger


Put it all in a blender and mix until smooth.