Easter Eats: Pancake Cake

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One person always seem to be stuck in the kitchen flipping pancakes, instead of eating with everyone. Laurie Crowell, owner of Golden Fig, has the solution with the sheet pancake recipe. This way, everyone gets to eat together!!!

Pancake Cake

2 C flour
2 TB maple sugar
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 3/4 C buttermilk
3 medium eggs
1 tsp vanilla bean paste
1 TB lemon zest
4 TB melted butter

Preheat oven to 400 degrees

Generously spray 9×13 pan

In a large bowl, whisk together flour, maple sugar, baking powder and salt.

In a medium sized bowl, whisk the eggs until they are lighter in color (about 2 minutes). Mix in the vanilla bean paste, lemon zest and buttermilk. Then mix in the melted butter. (If your butter is still hot, pour some of your buttermilk into the melted butter to cool them before adding to eggs. We donโ€™t want scrambled eggs ๐Ÿ˜†)

Pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients. Stir until just combined. Do not over mix. Pour batter into prepared baking pan. If adding toppings before baking, carefully place them in the batter.

Bake for 10 minutes then check for doneness by inserting a toothpick into the center to see if it comes out clean. The pancake will slightly brown on top as it bakes, just make sure to cook until done. Make sure the pancake springs back when lightly touched.



Banana slices, blueberries, strawberry slices, raspberries, blackberries, whatever seems delicious and is in season! Coconut flakes, chocolate chips or pecans are also tasty toppings. Place your toppings in the batter before baking or serve on top.

ALSO it goes without saying a slice of butter and real maple syrup would be a perfect topper for each pancake square.


Fruity fluff

16 oz heavy cream
1 small package instant vanilla pudding
4 cups fresh fruit diced to similar size (Iโ€™m going to use mango, strawberry, pineapple but choose whatever is in season and delicious!)
Zest of 1 lemon

Pour heavy cream into large bowl, sprinkle pudding and zest in. Whip until cream is about the consistency of a soft cool whip. Gently fold in fruits. Serve within a few hours.