Grilled Pork Chops with Cinnamon Caramel Apples

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Apples and cinnamon are always a winning combination, add in a perfectly seared pork chop and you have a simple yet delicious meal on your hands. Chef John Van House, for CORE Foodservice, shares a recipe you’ll have to try. For more pork recipes, check out the Minnesota Pork Board.


1 Boneless Pork Loin 3-4#
Salt and pepper (as needed)
Water (as needed)
½ tsp Cinnamon
2 cups Diced apples
¼ cup Sugar (or store-bought caramel)
¼ cup Corn syrup (or honey)
Chives-shaved as needed (1-2 Tbsp)


  1. Butcher the pork chops from the pork loin by cutting 8oz sections keeping the size of the chops similar (makes about 6 chops).
  2. Pat the pork chops dry and season with salt and pepper.
  3. Preheat grill on high heat.
  4. Gently place the chops onto the grill at a 30-degree angle to create cross-hatching and allow to sear about 2-3 minutes then rotate 60-degrees and sear again.
  5. Flip the chops and repeat on the second side-monitor and control the temperature of doneness by removing the chops as they firm up and an internal temperature of 145 degrees is reached.
  6. When chops are done cooking, remove from heat and allow to rest for at least 15 minutes.
  7. Place a sauté pan over high heat and add the sugar with a little water, just enough to make the sugar the texture of wet sand.
  8. Add the corn syrup to the sugar water mixture.
  9. Bring the sugar water mixture to a boil – NOTE: cooked sugar is extremely hot!
  10. Allow the sugar to caramelize slightly and add the diced apples and cinnamon.
  11. Bring to a boil and reduce any liquid by half.
  12. Place apples on a service plate, top with a pork chop -garnish with shaved chives.