Minnesotans in NHL cap off summer playing in Da Beauty League

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A growing summer tradition in Minnesota is actually on the ice, Da Beauty League is loaded with current and former NHL players, plus, many Minnesotans are on the rosters for the summer hockey league.

Da Beauty League capped off it’s season with a championship game Wednesday night at Braemar Arena in Edina.

Click the video box above to hear from current Minnesotan NHL players Jonny Brodzinski, Jackson Cates and Noah Cates

Some of the players on the ice for the championship game included: Jason Zucker, Sammy Walker, Jonny Brodzinski, Eric Staal, Blake McLaughlin, Nate Schmidt, Jackson Cates, Noah Cates, Derek Forbort, Tyler Pitlick and Eric Haula.

For more information on Da Beauty League, click here.