Wisconsin Gov. Evers receives his first COVID-19 vaccination

Friday, Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers received his first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. First lady Kathy Evers received her first dose earlier this week.

Gov. Evers, 69, is part of the state’s eligible population under current guidelines.

"I always said that just like every other Wisconsinites, Kathy and I would wait our turn and wait for our number to be called. With nearly a third of Wisconsinites over the age of 65 having received their first dose of the vaccine, Kathy and I were contacted by our healthcare provider and are grateful to have had the opportunity this week to get our first doses of the vaccine," Evers said. "I want to thank the folks at SSM Health for making it simple and quick. I encourage every Wisconsinite to get the vaccine as soon as it is available to them—that’s how we are going to kick this pandemic to the curb for good and get back to our Wisconsin way of life."

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The governor also called on people to continue wearing masks to stop the spread of the virus as vaccinations continue.

As of Friday, 11.5% of the state had received at least one dose of the vaccine, making Wisconsin at top-10 state by percentage of the population receiving at least one dose.