With primary underway, Klobuchar meets with voters in New Hampshire

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The first votes have been cast in Tuesday’s New Hampshire primary and there are already some surprises.

Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar is leading in three tiny townships after the very first votes were counted.

Klobuchar spoke this morning to reporters, crediting her success partially to her debate performance and her campaign so far.

"So, for people who just think, ‘Oh she had a good debate,’ well I did but it was the lead up to that that matters and I think the opportunity that I had was for people to see my heart," Klobuchar said.

Still, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders is leading the pack in New Hampshire, while former South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg is just behind him.

Polls have also shown a battle for third place between Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, former Vice President Joe Biden and Klobuchar, who came in fifth in Iowa.

See New Hampshire poll results from FiveThirtyEight, with ABC News, here