Minnesota staying out of newest COVID surge — for now

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New cases of COVID-19 popping up around the country are fueling concerns about a new surge that could blunt the emotional and economic recovery from the pandemic.

But so far, officials say a surge has not occurred in Minnesota.

“I’m cautiously optimistic that Minnesota has a vaccination rate that is at least the floor of stability to keep us from the big press again,” Gov. Tim Walz said during a morning briefing with reporters.

Depending on the metric used, Minnesota’s vaccination rate sits around 70%, but there is a big gap between the metro and Greater Minnesota.

Some parts of the state hover around 40%.

“Our vaccination rate helps us but we still have large pockets of unvaccinated people,” said Kris Ehresmann, director of Infectious Disease at the Minnesota Department of Health.

Ehresmann said the vaccine remains the best way out of the pandemic, and the latest data shows it’s highly effective.

MDH reports in Minnesota there have been 3,525 positive cases of COVID-19 among vaccinated people. That amounts to about 0.1%.

“When you consider how many people have been vaccinated, it’s a very, very small proportion of that,” Ehresmann said.

But the pandemic is clearly not over. On Monday, the American Pediatric Association recommended masks in classrooms for all kids older than 2.

MDH plans to release its guidelines for schools in the coming weeks.