No mayoral endorsement from Minneapolis DFL delegates in final vote

Minneapolis DFL city delegates did not endorse a candidate for mayor in their final round of ranked-choice voting Thursday.

Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey received 40.3% of the vote, and candidate Sheila Nezhad led with 53.1%. A total of 6.6% voted "no endorsement." At least 60% support is required to earn an endorsement of city delegates.

However, city delegates endorsed Christa Moseng with 62.9% of the vote to serve on the Board of Estimate and Taxation.

In addition, three candidates for Park Board district officers were endorsed: Billy Menz in District 1 with 89.6%, Eric Moran in District 2 with 77.8% and Jono Cowgill in District 4 with 65.3%.

No candidates for Parks At-Large reached 60% to be endorsed by city delegates.

For more information on how the voting turned out, click here.