Gov. Walz calls 3rd special session of Legislature, is expected to extend peacetime emergency

A third special session has been called by Gov. Tim Walz for the Minnesota Legislature.

Walz is expected to extend his emergency powers for another 30 days, as he has done the last two times he has convened the Legislature for special sessions this summer, in June and July. According to a state proclamation, the 91st Legislature adjourned on May 17.

While the second special session was able to pass some police reforms, it did not pass a bonding bill that was being negotiated.

"As long as the COVID-19 pandemic poses a threat to Minnesotans, it is my duty to work to provide our state with the tools we need to fight this." said Walz. "The COVID-19 pandemic is unprecedented and rapidly evolving, and we can’t let our guard down."

"The emergency is not over," said Lt. Gov. Peggy Flanagan. "As the upcoming fall brings new unknowns in the COVID-19 pandemic, we are committed to acting quickly to keep Minnesotans healthy, safe, and informed during this public health crisis."

House, Senate leaders reach agreement on police reform; bonding bill remains in limbo

The third special session will begin on Wednesday.