Minnesota congressional delegation split evenly on 2nd impeachment of Trump

The U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday voted to impeach President Donald Trump for "incitement of insurrection," making him the first president to be impeached twice.

With the Capitol secured by armed National Guard troops inside and out, the House voted 232-197 to impeach Trump just one week after violent pro-Trump loyalists stormed the U.S. Capitol.

Minnesota’s congressional delegation was split on the impeachment vote, with all four Democrats voting in favor and all four Republicans voting against the resolution.

Ten Republicans joined Democrats to vote in favor of impeachment.

Following the historic vote, several of Minnesota’s representatives shared their reactions.

Trump impeached after Capitol riot; historic second charge

Congresswoman Betty McCollum (DFL-Minn.) said:

"I was honored to serve as the Presiding Officer in the U.S. House of Representatives for the second impeachment proceedings of a sitting president, which has never happened before in the history of the United States. The debate of such a serious matter was conducted fairly and with a decorum that I hope will guide this legislative body for the rest of the 117th Congress.

"I voted to impeach President Trump for incitement of insurrection. Inspired, encouraged, and supported by the president, last week’s violent attack on Congress was an act of domestic terrorism. The U.S. Capitol building was desecrated and vandalized. Members of Congress, their staff members, Vice President Pence, and those who work in this temple of American democracy were put in danger. The women and men of the U.S. Capitol Police who work every day to protect us were beaten and attacked. Two officers lost their lives as a result of this tragedy.

"Make no mistake, this was a terrorist plot to disrupt Congress and to prevent Congress from performing its duty under the U.S. Constitution to certify the results of the Electoral College. For the safety of our nation, this president must be removed from office before he inflicts more damage to our democracy."

Congresswoman Michelle Fischbach (R-Minn.) said:

"With fewer than seven days remaining in this administration, we should be focused on moving forward and getting back to work on behalf of the American people."

Congressman Pete Stauber (R-Minn.) said:

"Like most Americans, I am shocked and outraged over the violent riots that took place in the halls of Congress one week ago. I condemn the rioters’ actions and believe those individuals must be held accountable to the full extent of the law. What happened last Wednesday is a blatant sign that tensions are running high and the rhetoric on both sides has gotten out of control. It is imperative that leaders across the nation take this moment to unite our country.

"With that being said, I believe efforts to impeach the President contradict the idea of unity and will only further divide our already divided nation. President Trump has just days left in his Presidency and he has promised a peaceful transfer of power. America needs to heal, so I do not support these rushed efforts to impeach the President.

"Instead, I will be a part of the healing process and plan to attend the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden next week."

Congressman Jim Hagedorn (R-Minn.) said:

"Instead of looking toward the future and doing the business of the American people, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats have prosecuted another unwarranted and politically-motivated impeachment.

"This latest effort by House Democrats to impeach President Trump is further dividing an already splintered nation and subjecting the American people to yet another partisan battle. Democrats began working to impeach and remove the President before he even took the Oath of Office four years ago. They lack credibility on this issue. It is time to move forward as a nation."