‘He’s going to talk very bluntly and clearly’: KSTP political analyst shares what to watch for in Biden’s inauguration address

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On Wednesday, President-elect Joe Biden’s words will be heard from coast to coast as he addresses the nation as the new commander in chief.

Throughout his campaign, Biden repeatedly said the words of a president matter. The whole world will be paying attention to the words he uses in his inauguration speech.

This is a divisive time, and KSTP Political Analyst Steven Schier believes the new president will try to unite our country and America’s allies overseas.

"The Biden inaugural address will be an exercise in plain speaking; talking in a practical way about unity and the way ahead," Schier said. "It’s not going to involve high-flowing rhetoric because that is not Joe Biden’s speaking style. And he also believes it would probably not match the minute that we’re in."

Schier said the inauguration speech is Biden’s big moment.

Inauguration day 2021 to look far different than 2001

"Inaugural addresses are perhaps the most important speech any president makes in his career because all the attention of the world is on the president when he gives an inaugural address," Schier said.

But don’t expect a lot of flowery language.

"He’s going to talk very bluntly and clearly about the need for unity and the agenda he is going to present for the future, and, in that way, I think hope to convince America to move past the divisions we’ve been experiencing."

A call for unity may be easier said than done Schier continues.

"I think that the call for unity is something that everyone wants in the abstract," he said. "The problem is when you get into the governing details. Everybody wants to go to heaven, nobody wants to die."