Vaccinations begin for Minneapolis first responders

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Minnesota’s coronavirus vaccination efforts are now expanding to emergency responders.

On Tuesday, a group in Minneapolis got their first vaccines, including the city’s fire chief.

COVID-19 continues to impact public safety in the state, and now there’s a set plan for vaccinating first responders as soon as possible.

Minneapolis Fire Chief Bryan Tyner rolled up his sleeve and received the vaccine Tuesday morning. Members of his department will get vaccinated over the course of the week.

Health care employees are among the first groups to receive the vaccine, but this group also includes those with emergency medical service or paramedic certifications.

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Earlier this month, state public safety officials said the virus is spreading in departments across Minnesota which leads to issues with staffing. Some departments are even sharing neighboring first responders in order to make sure patients who need help can be treated.

Both the Minneapolis fire chief and Metro Transit police chief talked about the importance of the vaccine right after they received it.

“I feel good about being the first. I don’t feel like, as chiefs, we can ask people to do something that we aren’t willing to do ourselves … every run that we go to we pretty much have to assume that the rate with COVID spread right now that every one of our patients could possibly have COVID,” Tyner said.

“We have to lead from the front. Showing everyone that this is safe, the science is there, and we are working as a team to make sure as essential workers and first responders that we remain that ability to be able to go forth and go inside these pandemic conditions knowing that we are all inoculated,” Metro Transit Police Chief Eddie Frizell added.

Although he did not get vaccinated Tuesday, Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo was there to show his support. Arradondo said his department will start receiving their vaccines in mid-January.