President-elect Biden implores Americans to wear masks to curtail COVID-19 spread

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President-elect Joe Biden is warning the United States is "still facing a very dark winter" as he unveils plans for addressing the COVID-19 pandemic.

Even as hopes of a vaccine lifted stocks, Biden said Monday another 200,000 lives could be lost before it is widely available. Biden implores Americans to "wear a mask" to help fight the spread of the coronavirus — "no matter who you voted for."

He says, "We are Americans, and our country is under threat."

The Democrat noted masks could save the lives of older people, children and teachers and added: "It could even save your own life."

Biden says he would be guided by science in laying out the framework of a pandemic response, starting with members of a task force to prepare for his administration’s transition to overseeing it.

Biden notes that he doesn’t take office until Jan. 20 but is assuming a public leadership role in the fight against the pandemic ahead of being sworn in.

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