Wisconsin sets COVID record, Gov. Evers prepares bills for next week

Thursday, Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers provided an update on the COVID-19 pandemic in the state.

The annoucement coincided with another day of jaw-dropping COVID-19 infection numbers in Wisconsin. The state Department of Health Services reported a record 7,497 new confirmed cases on Thursday, obliterating the old record of 7,065 set on Saturday.

COVID-19 in Wisconsin: 7,497 new cases, 58 additional deaths

The department says the disease was a factor in another 58 deaths, bringing the death toll to 2,515.

Evers said during the news conference that he plans to release a package of pandemic relief legislation next week. He declined to discuss any details.

It’s unclear whether the bills will get any traction with Republicans who control the Legislature. The GOP and its allies have blocked every initiative Evers has enacted to stop the disease from spreading.

Evers was joined Thursday by Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) Deputy Secretary Julie Willems Van Dijk; Dr. Ryan Westergaard, chief medical officer with DHS Bureau of Communicable Diseases; and Ryan Nilsestuen, chief legal counsel for the Office of the Governor.

Earlier this week, Evers issued an advisory telling people they should stay home as COVID-19 cases and deaths rapidly rise in the state.

Gov. Evers advises people to stay home as coronavirus surges

Watch the full address via the video player below.