Families enjoy Halloween events across the Twin Cities

Halloween weekend is in full swing as kids across the metro dressed up in their favorite costumes to fill up their buckets with candy in Maple Grove on Saturday.

People of all ages put on their Halloween best at the Maple Grove Trunk or Treat.

Elijah, one of the trick-or-treaters at the event, put his family to the task of dressing up as people from his favorite television show, Paw Patrol.

“He decided what each of us were going to be. I’m Marsha, the fire dog,” Lydia Habte, Elijah’s mom, said.

The 3-year-old is calling the shots because it’s his first time enjoying Halloween festivities in full swing since the start of the pandemic.

“As a mom, it makes my heart just bloom because I love seeing him happy and having fun,” Habte said.

There was enough fun to go around.

Hundreds of people lined up in their favorite costumes to fill their buckets with candy from the trunks of cars.

Trick-or-treaters could also run off some energy on the dance floor or guess the weight of a pumpkin for a prize.

Maple Grove police and fire were also at the event to give candy to kids.

“It just gives us an opportunity to connect with folks in the community and do something different or memorable for them,” Karlis Nollendorfs, Maple Grove firefighter, said.

These are a handful of events throughout the Twin Cities during Halloween weekend.